Turning Difficult Conversations into Breakthroughs

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No matter what our job role or position, we've all experienced interpersonal relationships struggles in the workplace and all avoided difficult conversations we know we should be having because we don't have the confidence or the skills to hold them effectively!

In this webinar series, we cover:

Part 1 - Introduction to Breakthrough Conversations - 25 mins

  • What are Breakthrough Conversations and what holds us back from having them?

  • What are the consequences of not addressing issues quickly and effectively?

  • How do these consequences effect us as individuals, what impact does it have on teams and how does it influence organisational culture?

Part 2 - Preparing Ourselves to Breakthrough - 22 mins

  • How can we make sure we're identifying the real issue/s?

  • What mindset is required to achieve the breakthroughs we're looking for and how can we acquire it?

Part 3 - The 3 Types of Breakthrough Conversation - 30 mins 

  • How can we ACT to bring about sustainable behaviour change? 

  • How can we effectively demonstrate a positive intent and turn things around when they don't go as planned?

  • How can we establish mutual accountability to safeguard our relationships for the future? 
